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Now you Christian louboutin knockoffs are alone and lonely wandering in the lonely wind, you are also to love it? You also to love? Butterfly did not answer and leaves without a word. Sadly tragic departure. that tears the leaves, dust off the end, it is not rounded and full petiole, leaf veins alone led involved with, wrinkled, like most of his mother’s hand, such as a piece of dry bark of a pine, dry and rough, phalanx unexpected, tendons and see the crystal-Bi. Mindful of the mother, then left for sew, For fear a sudden rise in my heart. Is this the leaves are flying farewell to the trees it? Yes, it is that the yellow leaves of trees is not the root of the feelings it? While going through the vicissitudes of life, Shaohua gone, but only in love the same, and such things, people He Yikan? Xi Bai Yunfei autumn wind, vegetation, Xi Yan Huang Go South down, that yellow is the fruits of the harvest, that red is the joy of harvest. Kanai Indus autumn yellow, cream the night comes through the curtain does not roll, unknowingly winter comes, leaves better than Fallen flowers worse, into Chunni also protect the tree. How tragic that the winter leaves to root the enemy that love in the truth that trouble is not the test of time Christian Louboutin Alta Arielle A Talon Python Short Boots after it? If winter comes, can spring be far behind that? Greeting the sun butterflies that fly out of the golden wings and flew out the dream of a colorful spring.

Par zhailin002a le mercredi 16 février 2011


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